Getting back into this skiing thing

Here’s a quick update of what I’ve been doing last weeks. Tomorrow I got, once again, an other exam.. So I gotta keep this update short.

I just found out today that a little interview I had with a girl from my University is now out in our University magazine. Down here is the link, check it out!!

Click to access 5925.pdf

For the rest I’ve spend most of my days in school, but after that, I managed to make some good hours of skiing a few evenings a week in our indoor dome. We just got a pretty sick new summer park with lots of nice rails and boxes.

I’ve basically been working on just 1 or 2 tricks every evening I was skiing and my goal was to land a certain trick 5 times clean in a row, before I could try another trick. It didn’t always worked out, cause something you just don’t have your day for that specific trick. But it did got my mindset pretty focussed and I managed to get a few new tricks on lock.

Last weekend I competed in two small rail competitions which where both super fun! The first one was the Ski Junkies Railbattle in The Hague. It was a set up of a downrail, down box and a dubbel kink which where all in really good shape! We had an half hour hiking jam session together with the boys and after that an other 20 minutes final session. Unfortunately we where just with 3 girls, but yeah.. it was super fun anyway! I didn’t managed to do any new tricks, but did got enough to take the win! 🙂

The second contest was the Jibsy Kings railbattle. This competion is a slopestyle rail course with on top a down box and a down rail, than a dub kink raill and a up pipe, followed by a sick tank and the course ended with an other down rail and donkey dick rail. Pretty sick he?! 😀
This contest was more a snowboard contest, so all skiers got together in one heat and we got a pretty strange final, cause by some snowboard judges.. I ended up as the best girl, competing in the final against the top 4 men.. And they placed me 2nd on the overall podium, while the guys where trowing down some pretty big stuff.. So yeah.. that wasn’t judged normal at all, but once again, we all had a super fun day riding in a nice park!

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